THE REDHEAD DAY红发日是荷兰夏季节日的名称,每年八月的最后一个周末在蒂尔堡市举行。这个为期三天的节日聚集了来自八十多个国家的数万人,其中包括数千名天然红头发的人。我们为客人设计了宣传册、网站和赠品。所有的东西都涂上了红色来支持这个想法。自古以来,少数派总是与恐惧联系在一起。红发日旨在让人们为自己的与众不同感到自豪,所以我们选择了更有活力的红色来支持设计,而不是更接近现实中天然红发的橙色。红色通常是勇敢和大胆的象征,它也是众多颜色中非常引人注目的一个。这也是我们在设计中选择大而高粗细的无衬线字体的原因。而另一方面,我们使用了许多植物和波浪图案,用暗淡的粉红色和象牙色表达“心有猛虎,细嗅蔷薇”。我们还制作了各种红发人的贴纸,希望每个参与者都能找到一个相似的形象。
The Redhead day is the name of a dutch summer festival that takes place each last weekend of august in the city of Tilburg. The three-day festival is a gathering of tens of thousands of people in the city center of Tilburg, including many thousands of people with natural red hair, from more than 80 countries. We designed the brochure, website, and giveaways for guests. Everything is colored with red to support the idea. Since ancient times, being in the minority has always been associated with fear. The Redhead Day aims to make people proud of being different, so instead of orange, which is closer to ginger hair, we chose a more vibrant red to support the design. Red is often a symbol of bravery and boldness. It is also a very striking color among many other colors. This is also why we choose large and high weight san serif fonts in the design. On the other hand, we used many flora and wavy patterns, dim pink and ivory colors to reflect “In me, the tiger sniffs the rose.” We have also made various stickers of people with red hair, hoping every participant can find a similar image.
DESIGN DISCIPLINE Typography, Print Design, Website